Meet Emily Simpkin – The City and Capital Group’s Financial Services Consultant
The headcount at City & Capital Group HQ has certainly grown over the past 12 months. While we’re specialists in recruitment, we thought it was time to shine the spotlight on the people that make our business tick.
This month we’re getting to know our financial services consultant, Emily Simpkin. Here she reveals she likes to spend her weekends with her adorable dog Charlie, and would give none other than our director, Victoria Hicks, an award!
Summarise your role in one paragraph:
It’s my job to find exceptional candidates and match them with their perfect position! I am also in training to support the acquisitions department – which I’m really excited about.
Victoria is currently spending lots of time on my development, taking me along to meetings, and providing lots of reading material about financial advice firms!
What’s the best part of your job?
Being able to speak to candidates and clients, in order to understand their situation and help find a solution to their problems.
What makes The City & Capital Group stand out from its competitors?
We care about making sure we provide the advice and support which is the ‘right fit’ for both parties. As such, we’re given the time to make sure we understand the needs and circumstances of everyone involved. There is no pressure put on us to ‘board fees’ – it’s all about doing things the right way, even if it takes more time.
And, from the get-go it has always been stressed that our reputation depends on doing things better than the rest!
What three words do you think best describes City & Capital?
Positive, driven and determined.
And what three words do you think your colleagues would use to describe you?
Thoughtful, organised and diligent.
If one of your colleagues could win an award (industry or office-related) who would it be and why?
Victoria. Since taking the brave step to join the group – and use her knowledge and experience to help other financial advisers – she has really taken me under her wing. I’ve been involved in her thoughts and plans, and can’t wait to see what we can achieve together.
The phone rings and it’s your dream enquiry – who would the client be?
A company that has big and challenging recruitment plans, in a fast paced and growing environment.
What is the biggest challenge facing the industry over the next 12 months?
How do you wind-down during the weekend?
I take my adorable dog Charlie for a walk or run!
Share an interesting fact about you that not many people know?
I was born three months premature and weighed the equivalent of a small bag of sugar!