Meet Catherine Waite – The City and Capital Group’s Head of Research and Administration
The headcount at The City & Capital Group HQ has certainly grown over the past 12 months, and, without our team we simply wouldn’t be where we are today. So, in our regular blog series we have decided to shine the spotlight on each member, to find out a little more about them…
This month we’re finding out more about our financial services head of research and administration, Catherine Waite. She’s dedicated and puts clients and candidates first – especially if they happen to be Tom Hardy!
Summarise your role in one paragraph:
Assisting The City & Capital Group to reach its goals through back office administration, market research and HR function.
What’s the best part of your job?
The variety of the role – no two days are the same!
What makes The City & Capital Group stand out from its competitors?
The City & Capital Group genuinely puts the candidate and client first – taking the time to work closely with both parties, ensuring key appointments that truly make a difference.
What three words do you think best describes City & Capital?
Professional, dedicated, knowledgeable.
And what three words do you think your colleagues would use to describe you?
Helpful, organised, approachable.
If one of your colleagues could win an award (industry or office-related) who would it be and why?
Tom Bagley – he’s been instrumental in developing a really slick, operational IT system that can grow with the business.
The phone rings and it’s your dream enquiry – who would the client be?
Tom Hardy or Gerard Butler… Sorry, is this meant to be work-related?
What is the biggest challenge facing the industry over the next 12 months?
As we work in financial services exclusively, regulation changes can impact on business’s growth plans – and change the course of direction for many firms.
How do you wind-down during the weekend?
Spending time with family and friends – and drinking gin!
What’s your favourite place to eat out – that we should really try!
Miller & Carter in Leeds and Mirfield – the food there is divine!