Business owner looking for a strategic partner
The problem
Every so often, City & Capital Acquisitions is contacted by a business owner seeking a strategic partner. This individual owned all the shares in his organisation, with three people in support.
As a personable team – which prides itself of offering independent advice to high net worth clients – the company maximises technology to deliver a timely service and a solution that appeals to the younger market.
With strong foundations in place, the client was looking to capitalise on its potential by selling shares in the business to a partner with proven experience in growing an advice practice.
The solution
City & Capital Acquisitions arranged a time to attend the offices of the client, in order to find out more about the business in its current form, as well as its potential. The client had written a very detailed business plan, outlining the available opportunities should the right investor and experience be found.
Following the fact-finding phase, the team explored a range of potential approaches which would help the client to achieve its goal. A confidential business profile was created and approved by the seller, which clearly outlined the opportunities and ambitions.
The profile was then circulated to both acquirers, and a range of high-profile contacts within the advisory industry. Soon, there was a marked amount of interest – not just from those who were looking to bolster assets under management (AUM), but parties which saw value in what had been built, believed in the vision and wanted to be part of this exciting opportunity.
The result
The client sold 60% of the shares in his company to a business partner with significant experience in growing – and later, selling – a national advice firm. The acquirer had all the contacts, knowledge and experience the seller was looking for.
The wider City & Capital Group is now assisting with further recruitment, in order to appoint the correct calibre of individuals to assist with growth plans.