Meet Victoria Hicks – The City & Capital Group’s Director
The headcount at City & Capital Group HQ has certainly grown over the past 12 months – thanks, in part, to the launch of our new financial advisory acquisitions division. Heading it up is former financial advisor Victoria Hicks, who is the first person to feature in our new employee Q&A.
Helping like-minded people! The time I spent growing a chartered financial advisory firm was, by far, the best part of my career to date.
Following its sale, I’m now so excited to have the opportunity to be able to work with companies that I know are going to boost the FA sector. I get it, it’s been my whole career, but I can’t wait to get going in a role like this.
What makes The City & Capital Group stand out from its competitors?
As a family-owned company, we live and breathe its success – and good client outcomes are what it’s all about. We want to create something that’s a bit different. We involve everybody, and have produced a truly team-based approach – unlike many other recruitment and acquisition firms.
What three words do you think best describes The City & Capital Group?
Exciting, modern and inclusive.
And what three words do you think your colleagues would use to describe you?
Empathetic, committed and knowledgeable.
They all want to do their best for the success of the business and are clearly proud of what we’re doing. He’s the best sales person I know, and the hardest worker I’ve ever come across! We actually met through our previous employer about 13 years ago, and there was the same buzz in the team he managed back then!
The phone rings and it’s your dream enquiry – who would the client be?
A firm with really exciting growth plans, and a valuable client focused proposition, doing great things for the industry.
What is the biggest challenge facing the industry over the next 12 months?
Issues facing the financial advisory market include the demographic of the average adviser, concerns about liabilities – especially in relation to Defined Benefit Transfers – and the increasing levels of compliance that make it harder, especially for smaller businesses!
How do you wind-down during the weekend?
Spending time with Stu and our boys! You’ll find us all together whenever we can. Although, we seem to make everything a competition, and even have a family WhatsApp group to keep track of the scores – maybe we’re too competitive, but I love it!
Share an interesting fact about you that not many people know:
I spent years of my childhood in a leading theatre group in Leeds. We did musicals and pantomimes – and won a few awards along the way!
I can also spin my hand all the way round – I think it looks better than it probably sounds!